Chittagong University A Unit Result 2023. CU A Unit Admission Result will publish today and if you interested to get result, stay with us. Those of you attended in a unit exam you have to wait till 19 May 2023. In our post we have arranged with informative details. To read this post you can see result by logging with your used id and password. Checking result the students need read our post carefully so no late start reading the post.
CU A Unit Admission Result 2023
Chittagong University is a famous university in our country. Every year huge number of students want to get admitted in this university. As this university plays a vital role in researching and intellectual improvement, it has a great significance. This year a lot of candidates applied for this university and attended admission test for a unit. After completing the exam now they are waiting CU A Unit Admission Result 2023.
Dear students you will be very glad to know that our site works to publish university related all kinds of information. As its continuation we have written this post so that the students get their result first of all. Below we are describing the result process by which the student’s a unit admission result will find.
Chittagong University A Unit Result 2023
In this post we have included many important things. By which the interested candidates will able to see Chittagong University A Unit Result 2023, merit and waiting List. Chittagong University took a unit exam on 16 May 2023 by shift wise. The university had to take a unit exam by four specific shifts. Generally a unit is related to faculty of science. We are able to know that this year exam competition was like a war .Because about more or less of twenty five students had to face for one sit.
I want to say something to you that most of the students know Chittagong University is famous for its beautiful campus and natural surroundings. If you pass in a unit exam, you will get admitted a beautiful university.
চট্টগ্রাম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের ‘A’ ইউনিটের ৫৯ হাজার ৫০২ পরীক্ষার্থীর মধ্যে ২৬ হাজার ৯০৮ জন উত্তীর্ণ হয়েছে। পাশের হার ৪৫.২২ শতাংশ।এখান থেকেই রেজাল্ট জানা যাবে।
How to know the CU A Unit Result?
Result has a special significance in every student’s life. But if it is a university exam then there is no question. It inevitably leads to a war. In this sense we can say that my dear examinee if you are not allowed, don’t worry about it. In the following we will say details so that you will find out cu a unit result pdf.
- At first, go to the official website-
- Now select admission unit name but you have to selcet A unit
- At this stage, type admission test roll
- Finally, press on check result button.
Interested candidates can find out their result by sms but for this you have a mobile phone and required balance. If everything is ok, write an sms by our below instructed process.
CU <SPACE> R <SPACE> UNIT CODE <SPACE> ROLL NO & send it to 9934
We hope by our above showing process you can see your cu admission result. For your recomendation I have a suggestion that if you fail in the exam don’t worry. You have to try more and more. Hopefully by best trying you can chance a renowed university.
In conclusion, we want to say you we have a Facebook page please like in it. And we also have a Facebook group so join it. Finally, we will tell to us we pray to Allah for your success. No more today. Thank you very much.