DPE PTI Instructor Exam Date & Admit Card 2019 PDF Download

DPE PTI Instructor Exam Date & Admit Card 2019 PDF Download. PTI Instructor  Admit Card & Exam Date 2019 has been announced on  PTI Instructor (Science) website bpsc.teletalk.com.bd. Now we discuss about DPE PTI exam date and admit card PDF download procedure.

DPE PTI Instructor Exam Date & Admit Card 2019 PDF Download

DPE PTI Instructor Job Circular has been declared by bpsc non cadre website bpsc.gov.bd. It was also published on the daily newspaper. Date, time, seating arrangements and instructions for the candidates for the direct examination of the vacancies of the Instructor Science (8th grade) of the institute (PTI) at the field level elementary teacher of the Primary Education Department under the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education.

If you are eligible for the PTI job you can apply for the job. Both men and women can apply. So the details of the job information is given below:

Directorate of Primary Education PTI Instructor Job Exam Timeline
Exam Date Publisher: Bangladesh Public Service Commission

Job Title: PTI Instructor

Total post: 556

Exam Date – 15 September 2019.

Official website: bpsc.gov.bd

DPE PTI Exam Date 

Directorate of Primary Education PTI Instructor( Science ) Exam date has been declared on BPSC notice board and daily news paper. BPSC select only one venue for PTI written exam. Every candidates must be concern about DPE PTI exam seat plan. If your exam center is so far than be careful for destinations.  For the sake of job you have to go to the exam hall. You don’t need to worry about it. The circular already says where to go for the exam.

PTI Instructor Exam center – Shrebangla Nagar Government Girl School, Agargaon, Shrebangla Nagar, Dhaka.

PTI (Science) Job Exam Date: 15 September 2019.

The candidates have to go to the exam hall at least 15 minutes before the exam started.

Mark distribution

At the same time, the candidate will be given 4 answer sheets for 4 subjects. Candidates have to use different answer sheets for answering Bangla, English, General knowledge and technical subjects. Answering multiple items in the same answer sheet will result in the cancellation of the answer sheet.

Candidates will have to take a 4-hour written test in-

  1. Bangla – 40,
  2. English – 40,
  3. General Knowledge – 40 and
  4. Technical Subjects (Science) – 80

In total mark 200.

PTI Instructor  Admit Card  Download 

DPE PTI instructor admit card will given when you apply online application. But most of the time candidates download their PTI admit ard 2019 on edge of exam. Otherwise your admit card lost / damaged then you can download PDf from BPSC PTI admit website bpsc.teletalk.com.bd. If you do not know How to download DPE instructor admit card 2019  then follow the below step.

  1. At first go to the link bpsc.teletalk.com.bd
  2. Now input your user name and passed and loig.
  3. After log in click on the admit card button.
  4. Then you will see a download option.
  5. Download it and print it for use.
  6. Without the admit card you won’t go to the exam hall.

PTI Written Exam Date Related Notice

Primary  PTI Instructor Job Description

  1. Candidate has to be a Bangladeshi.
  2. For all the candidates the age limitation is 18 to 30 years.
  3. Freedom fighter and disable candidates can apply from 18 to 32 years.
  4. For the certification of age affidavit won’t allow.
  5. For quota the last declaration of govt. would be maintained.
  6. After the time expired than the application won’t take.
  7. Name of the center – Shrebangla Nagar Government Girl School. Date: 15 September 2019.

PTI Job Application process

You can go to www.bpsc.govt.bd the website. There you will find a link to apply. Go there and fill up through all the valid information.

  1. You will find a User Id. Save it for further use.
  2. Upload your passport size photo ( 1 copy ): 300 × 300 pixel. Also upload your signature 300 × 80 pixel.
  3. All this things can uploaded by scanning them. Picture size should be 100 KB.
  4. Before submitting them check them properly. Because if there is wrong information your application could be canceled and which is decided by the authority will be the last decision.
  5. After submitting them print it also. One copy had to carry on the viva.

Note: In the case of any candidate, if there is a serious deficiency of the conditions mentioned in the Circular Notice, then at any stage before or after the oral examination, the candidature of such candidate will be considered canceled.

More Important Information

  1. Seats must be taken at least 15 minutes before the scheduled time.
  2. No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination room for 15 minutes after the commencement of the examination.
  3. No candidate will be able to leave the examination room within 2 hours of the commencement of the examination.
  4. Candidates are particularly cautioned that if they do not enter the registration number correctly and if they do not fill the circle correctly, if they cut anything on the answer sheet and then use fluid the exam will be canceled in the post.
  5. Each candidate will have his signature and his signature on his signature along with his registration number and name in the Hajira list. The picture and signature of the Hajira list along with the photo and signature of the admit card will be seen, if there is no match, the candidate will be expelled and legal action will be taken against him.
  6. Special search operation will be arranged against fake candidates. Bringing books, bags, vanity bags, handguns, pocket watches, electronic watches, mobile phones, clock-like mobile phones or electronic devices to the test center is completely prohibited in the center. If the banned material is found, the candidate will be seized and his candidacy canceled. The appropriate legal action will be taken against the expelled candidate.
  7. The applicants for the handicapped candidates, who have written the subtitles, will have to submit the application form along with the unit-1, the director of the head office of the commission’s Dhaka office, for the writing of the auditor by the next September 23 (during office). Consideration of the application of the Commission will have to be paid stenographer.
  8. In the context of the petition filed by the handicapped examiner, only written permission from the Bangladesh Government Action Commission will be issued with a photo-related permit. Released from the Commission with photographs issued with written permission Must be present when examining with a disability examiner.
  9. Candidates cannot cover the corners on the ears during the exam, the ears should be kept open. Candidates should not use anything like jewelery ornaments when the exam. Credit card / bank card duplicate corner cannot be carried on examination.
  10. Scientific calculators or such instruments cannot be used in such a corner. However, a simple calculator can be used.

This circular will be found on their official website also.

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