NU Honours 1st Year Result 2023 (Session 2022): NU Honours 1st Year Result 2023 has been announced on website we will talk about NU Honours 1st Year marksheet result 2023
NU Honours 1st Year Result 2023 (Session 2022)
Today exam is a very important part in every student life. After finishing the exam every students wants to know when exam NU Honours 1st Year Result 2023 (session 2022) will publish. With the help of technology now we can get our houonrs 1st result by sitting in our home through internet. But few years ago we can not imagine that we had to go our collage to collect our result. However, the day when result publishes many students enter the nu university website together, the server can not work fast generally it becomes slow. As a result they can not find their result in a short time. You can get your result in a short time by searching our website.
NU Honours 1st Year Result 2023
A lot of programs have in the National University of Bangladesh, from them honours 1st year program is the best part. There are a lot of students who after completing hsc examination admitted into various college in the whole country under the National University and they read in various subjects. And after completing form fill up they got routine and by following routine they sit in their exam. This year huge amount students have participated honours 1st year exam from many colleges under National University. This year students were attended at 165 centers in National University Hounours 1st year examination. We hope that soon the examinee will get NU Honours 1st Year Result 2023.
The student’s type was regular and irregular most probably from about four hundred fifteen colleges. The exam time was nine a.m. but unfortunately some examination date had to change by the authority of national university because of political tension. After the all barriers at last national university authority had completed their exam.
When will publish the exam result for Honours 1st year students?
According to the National University of Bangladesh source the result of Honours 1st year 2023 most probably will publish in the first March 2023. Most important news for the Honours 1st year examinee after publishing the exam we will publish the exam result just after publishing the NU website then my dear Honours 1st year session 2022 examinee you will get your exam result without any delay to visit our website .
Honours 1st year result 2023 Marksheet
There are two ways by which you can get your cherished Honours 1st year result marksheet 2023 by online system and other one is SMS system. Now we will discuss about both procedure in the following.
To get Honours result 2022 Online
With the help of blessing internet you can find your Honours 1st year result 2022 very easily. My dear examinees at first ensure your mobile data connection and then follow the commandment below…
- At first you have to go to National university result website /results.
- Now you can see a Result Archive Page.
- Select “Honours” Tab.
- Now select your session Year.
- When select your year than you can see a result page interface.
- Now if you check your personal result the select radio button on “Individual Result
- Type you roll number or registration number on Roll/Registration input field
- select your exam year.
- After typing you roll you can see a box named “Enter the Code above here” You can see there an image and there a code. Type this code on this field.
- After finishing all kind of procedure you can click Search Result. You can show your result if you fill all the field information correctly.
Get attention: If you show the “captcha” code does not match” this error message after click “Search Result”. Then type again type “captcha” according to image and dick “Search Result option.
NU Honours 1st year Exam Result by SMS
Mobile is a wonder of modern science. Through sms system of mobile phone we can solve many important tasks like knowing result. At the present time, Mobile SMS is the system by which we can check the result . The examinee can check result by Mobile phone to send SMS within a few second .As all the examinees will try to know their result using internet in the result publishing day, so it is natural that most of the time online result will be troubled. Then in this situation an examinee can get his easily bia SMS. Now we will try to discuss about to get Honours 1st year result by SMS, you have to follow the SMS format as below:
NU<Space> H1 <Space>Roll Number and send this SMS to 16222 number.
For example: Nu<Space>H1<Space>123456 send to 16222.
NU.EDU.BD Honours 1st Year Exam Result
The first year results will be published on very soon. Shortly, the NU.EDU.BD Honours 1st Year Exam Result will be published. I update this when The Authority declares the outcome. Bangladesh Exam year 2022, NU First Year Result 2023. The Honours First Year Exam Results will be released by the NU Authorities. First-year main subject exams were finished on September 26th, and the practical and viva exams were finished in April. Honors First Year Exam Results will therefore be released soon.
If any discrepancies or inaccuracies are found in the published results, The National University has the right to revise or entirely annul the findings. Within 30 (thirty) days of the result’s release, the controller of examination must submit a written request if any candidate or other party has any objections or complaints regarding the outcome.
Finally, we can say that no more toady about the Honours 1st year result 2023 in Bangladesh. We hope that you will be benefited by this post. Thanks for visiting our website BD CIRCULAR ZONE. If you want to know more information about inform us through comment box. Insallh, we will try to reply your question.