Home SSC & HSC Corner Alim English 1st & 2nd Paper (Exclusive) Suggestion 2020 

Alim English 1st & 2nd Paper (Exclusive) Suggestion 2020 

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Alim English 1st & 2nd Paper (Exclusive) Suggestion 2020. Alim English short suggestion for 2020 is available on our Alim English  question and model test website bdcircularzone.com. We hope that this suggestion ensure 80% common in Alim English 1st & 2nd paper exam. So follow our Alim English 1st & 2nd part suggestion 2020 short and exclusive.

Alim English 1st & 2nd Paper (Exclusive) Suggestion 2020 

2020 Alim English short suggestion is help you to obtain a good marks. My dear Alim examine If you follow this short suggestion, we hope that you will 80% common in English 1st & 2nd paper exam. This suggestion is arrange by highly experienced English teacher. According to last years statistics , from our Alim English 1st & 2nd paper suggestion students had gotten common. So we suggest you follow our Alim  English 1st part short suggestion 2020.My dear examine as your examination is knocking at the door so now you are tense about that it is natural. For your concentration we can say that if you are follow our  Alim English 1st & 2nd part short  Exclusive suggestion 2020 insallah you will be good prepared for your exam. In our experience we can say that every student worried about the English subject but to you we have a recommendation that  don’t  worry  read the systemically then you at the grace of Allah you will be success. Best of luck.

Alim English 1st & 2nd Paper Short Suggestion 

As English is the toughest subject for Alim  exminee so most of the students want a Alim short suggestion. By  this Alim English short suggestion they want to get a good marks in English subject.   For this reason now  Alim English 1st & 2nd Paper Short Suggestion  is most popular matter to the examine. On the other hand , suggestion helps the students to take a good preparation. So follow our Alim English 1st & 2nd  part suggestion 2020. You can also find in our site HSC English suggestion 2020.

English 1st Paper

Seen Passage (1 no question)
  • Nelson Mandela guided South Africa …………………….  (Unit-1, L-1)
  • Valentina Tereshkova was born……………….                          (Unit-1, L-3)
  • Unsafe level of pesticides are present …………………       (Unit-3, L-1)
  • As a child you must have been told to………………………..      (Unit-4, L-1)
  • Children must pass through several………………………..          (Unit-5, L-1)
  • Many adolescents face pressure to use …………………..   (Unit-5, L-1)
  • Universities should never be made into………………….    (Unit-6, L-1)
  • My name is Amerigo. I am 13…………………..                 {Unit-7, L-4 (2)}
  • Hakaluki: A rich hub of biodiversity……………..               (Unit-8, L-2)
  • A vast mangrove forest shared by Bangladesh………….   (Unit-8, L-4)
  • Causes and type of conflict according to an…………….   (Unit-12, L-2)
  • Clean energy: While many alternatives to………………   (Unit-13, L-3)
  • Folk music consists of songs and music………………….. (Unit-13, L-3)
  • A craftwork thus is a dynamic object……………..            (Unit-14, L-3)
  • Tertiary education in Bangladesh …………….                 {Unit-6, L-2 (2)}
Question No-2
  • After the Assembly’s session ………… even blame the Bangali people! {Unit-1, L-2 (2)}
  • Although Tereshkova experienced nausea……… a one trip.               {Unit-1, L-3 (1)}
  • Many educators believe that one of…………….. readiness for  citizenship. {Unit-6, L-3 (2)}
  • The researchers used various climate-changes……. in the future.                 {Unit-8, L-3 (2)}
  • Peace movement is basically …………… to lesser developed nations.        {Unit-12, L-5 (2)}
  • People on earth may take for …………… among other things.                     {Unit-13, L-1 (2)}
  • In the 19th century it was………….. we can tap into it directly.                    {Unit-13, L-4(2)}
  • Charged with capital offences…… kindness and dignity.                               (Unit-1, L-1)
  • The history of Bengal is the history…….. agree to that offer.                        (Unit-1, L-1)
  • Shilpi was only 15 years old…………….. and social exclusion.                   {Unit-05, L-4(2)}
  • The ARPANET, the first Internet………….. many other products.             {Unit-13, L-1(2)}
  • I declared that the assembly……………. used force on us.                          {Unit-13, L-1(2)}
  • The first peace movement appeared………… the principles of non- violence. (Unit-12, L-5)
Question No-3
  • Bangladesh is blessed with huge inland …………….. for parent fish.
  • Nanotechnology has the potential ………….. since the first vaccine.
  • Admist Killer speeds I stand……………. for your safety.
  • The buzz saw snarled and………… turned to their affairs.
  • Conflict can be described as a ………….. the individuals involved.
  • I died for beauty, but was scarce……………. and covered up our names.
  • She walks in beauty, like the night…………. love in innocent.
  • Folk music consists of songs and music…………. firming rooftops.
  • Dreams has fascinated philosophers……………. well bening.
  • Half a league, half a league………….. the six hundred.
  • What is this life if, full of care…………. we have no time to stand and stare.
  • We have two terms to describe our social………… about etiquette and manner.
  • Clean energy: While many alternatives to………….. as cancer cures.
  • I sit on of the dives……………… offends the September night.
  • I am not in the least hungry……….. eat a little more.
Writing Paragraph
  • Etiquette and Manners.
  • Folk Music
  • A Book Fair
  • Modern Technology
  • Food Adulteration.
  • Physical Exercise
  • Renewable Energy
  • E- learning
  • Facebook
  • Traffic Jam
Completing Story
  • One day Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) was sitting with his followers around him….a man came….some alms.”…….. “How long do you beg for alms?”….. Prophet (Sm) said, “What do you have in your house?……Going to market, Muhammad (Sm) sold the blanket and bought an axe…..told him to buy some food for him and his family.  Allah helps those who help themselves.”
  • Once there lived an old farmer. He had three sons. They were in the habit of leading a very idle life. They would never do any work. The farmer did not know how to make thought and on his death bed he hit upon a plan. He called his three “My sons, go to the field…………..
  • Once there was a little boy named Bayazid. One night he was studying by the side of the bed of his mother. His ailing mother was sleeping. All on a sudden, she woke upraised her head and told her son to give her a glass of water……..
  • Hazrat Abdul Quader was a fomous religious figure in Islam. He was born in Jilan in Iraq. His father died even before his birth. His mother decided to send him to Bagdad………..
  • Once there lived two friends in a certain village. They were very intimate to each other. They promised not to be departed from other even in the face on danger .Once they were walking through a jungle. It was deep and full of wild beasts. No sooner had they crossed a little distance then saw a bear coming…………..
  • There lived three friends in a village. One day the first friend planned to steal gold from a house. The second friend…………………….
  • Once there lived a poor woodcutter. But he was very honest. He earned his livelihood by selling wood in the market. One day while he…………
  • There lived a wood-cutter in a village. One day he was cutting wood in the jungle near a river. Suddenly, his axe fell into the river. The river was very deep. The wood-cutter did not know how to swim or dive. So, he was sitting there sadly. Then a wonderful incident happened. A beautiful fairy appeared before the wood-cutter………….
  • One day a crow stole a piece of meat. It flew away and sat on the branch of a tree. Suddenly a fox………………
  • It was a hot summer day. There was scorching heat of the sun. On that day a crow became very thirsty. It wanted to drink but there was no water around it. So, it began to……….
  • There lived a farmer in a village. He had a wonderful goose. The goose laid an egg of gold every day. The farmer was very greedy. He thought that…………….
  • There was a naughty cowboy who grazed his cows beside a forest. He used to make fun with people crying Tiger! Tiger!……………………
Writing Informal Letters
  • Suppose, you are Nahid/Nahida and you are a candidate of Alim Examination. Now write a letter to your father telling him about your progress of studies.…………
  • Suppose, you are Razon wanted to know what you will do after you Alim Examination. Now write a letter to him about your plan.
  • Suppose you are Habib/Habiba.Your Alim Examination is knocking at the door. Now write a letter to your father telling him about your preparation for the Alim Examination………………
  • Write a letter to your friend telling how you observed the International Mother Language Day……………
  • Suppose, your younger brother Foysal giving up his studies, has been mixing with bad company. Now, write a letter advising him to be attentive to his studies avoiding bad company………
  • Suppose, you have a pen friend in America. He wanted to know about your country. Now write a letter to him giving short description of your country……………….
  • Suppose, you are Shilpl living at 125/A, Maghbazar, Dhaka.Your friend Shafiq who lives at 61 New Town, Jessore. He is very eager to know the co-curricular activities of your college. Now, write a letter to your friend describing the co-curricular activities of your college……………….
  • Write a letter to your younger sister giving some practical hints on how to improve her proficiency English…………….
  • Suppose, you are Nasima/Irfan. You received a letter from your father yesterday. In your letter, you were advised not to kill your precious time surfing the Internet. Now, write a reply to the letter……………..
  • Suppose you are Salim, Sahir is your best friend. You are going for a picnic. Now write an email to your friend Shahir inviting him to join the picnic……………….
  • Suppose you are Tanzim. Now, write an email to your friend telling him about how you (have) prepared yourself for the ensuing Alim Examination.
  •  Suppose you’re Nahid and your brother is Ranid who has become accustomed to smoking. Now, write an email to your brother advising him to avoid smoking…….
  • Write an email to your friend describing the annual prize giving ceremony of your Madrasah.
  • Recently your friend Rahman has lost his father. For this he has greatly been shocked .Now, write an email sympathizing him for his father’s sudden death.
  • Suppose your younger brother/ sister doesn’t know the importance of learning English. Now, write an email to your younger brother telling him about the usefulness of learning English.
  • Write an email to your friend congratulating him on his brilliant success in the Alim Examination.
  • Suppose you have booked an air ticket to visit India. But for some personal problems you want to cancel the booking. Now, write an email to the Director of the Travel Agency to cancel this ticket you have booked.
  • Inform your friend through email about the importance of group study……………….
  • Imagine, you are Nabila/Nabil of 9 Mymensingh Road, Dhaka-1000. One of your friends who lives in Chittagong has won the President’s Award in essay writing. Now, send an email to your friend Rashida/Rashid of 34/C Broadway Lane Chittagong, congratulating him/her on his/her achievement.
Graph and Chart
  •  Look at the following graph. It shows the number of Mobile Phone users in Bangladesh. Now, describe the graph.
  • Look at the following graph. It gives information about Shakil’s obtained marks and GPA in five specific subjects. Now, describe the graph at least 80 words.
  • The graph below shows the number of people living Below the Poverty line’ from 1995 to 2010. Describe the graph in 150 words. You should highlight and summarize the information given graph.
  • Look at the chart. It shows the sources of U.S.A. electricity in 1980. Now analyze the chart focusing the main aspects. (At least 80 words)
  • The pie chart below shows the percentage of a family’s household income distributed into different categories. Describe the pie chart in 150 words.
  • The graph below shows the ‘Birth Rate’ from 2005 to 2012. Describe the graph in 150 words. You should in the graph highlight and summarize the information given in the graph.
  • The graph below shows the Internet User from 2005 to 2013. Describe the graph in 150 words. You 10 should highlight und summarize the information given in the graph.
  • The graph below shows the number of telephone and mobile users from 1998 to 2011. Now, describe the graph in 150 words. You should highlight and summarize the information given in the graph.
  • The graph below shows Population Growth Rate from 2006 to 2013. Describe the graph in 150 words. You should highlight and summarize the information given in the graph.
  • The graph below shows ‘Infant Mortality Rate in Bangladesh from 2005 to 2012. Now, describe a analyze the graph in around 80 words.
Appreciating Short Stories /Poems
  • Fair Daffodils, we weep to see………………………… But to the even song.
  • Hope is the thing with feathers…………….. It asked a crumb of me.
  • Amidst killer speeds I stand……………………… I care for your safety.
  • Time you old gypsy man…….. just for one day.
  • Under the greenwood ………….. But winter and rough weather.
  • Blow, Blow though winter ……… Heigh-ho! Sing , heigh-ho! Unto the green holly.
  • Hold fast to dream…………… Frozen the snow.

English 2nd Paper

Grammar Item Part

To get in grammar part you have to practice more and more. Getting good marks in grammar part, every item of grammar part should exercise otherwise you cannot get good marks. If you want to get A+ in English second part, you have to get 55 marks in grammar item. As you have to get 55 marks in grammar item so it will not be right way to follow suggestion so I do special recommendation for you that don’t follow suggestion, read elaborately every grammar item.

Paragraph Writing
  • Your favourite hobby
  • Internet
  • A Winter Morning
  • Global Warming
  • Information technology
  • A Moonlit Night
  • Drug addiction
  • Food adulteration
Free Writing
  • Greenhouse Effect
  • Value of time.
  • Patriotism.
  • Wonders of Modern Science
  • Student Life
  • Physical Exercise
  • Wonders of Modern Science
  • Female Education

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